Cookie Run Wiki

This wiki is under new management and is currently under heavy construction!

Please excuse any visual or functional anomalies and let an administrator know about any that you find; there is much to fix and it will take a while to get to everything!


Cookie Run Wiki

If you have noticed the Wiki Activity (or Recent Changes) page, I do not usually pop up as frequently as usual. School has got me, and I need some time to work on that. The inactivity on LINE Cookie Run itself is also another factor (even though I'm not active on the Cookie Run Ovenbreak Wiki as well). There is not much updates to keep the wiki spirit flowing lately. Kudos to Jimmy1126 for continually updating the events section of the wiki though! I'll update the most active users section for you!!

Meanwhile, The CookieRunner on this wiki is no longer active. However, that does not mean The CookieRunner is defunct, gone, eradicated from the fandom! Rather, it has revived, but as a Wordpress site for reaching out to more people. The schedule is rather irregular; the articles come whenever I feel the most active.

You may also know me as the admin of the Tom and Jerry Kids Show Wiki. I will be working on improving that wiki in the later weeks, then be less active around June, because I'll be travelling (to a place with minimal WiFi!) I am also a growing regular contributor of TV Tropes; you may know me as PeppermintSoda there. I'm planning to create a page for Droopy, Master Detective, so be sure to check it out once it goes live!

Since the wiki is prone to vandalism, I need to check on the wiki from time to time and revert any bad edits. If there is any edits like these that need to be reverted, be sure to talk to me on Twitter or Tumblr privately! If you don't have any of these, just contact me on the forum. My username there is PeppermintSoda.

Now I must sign off and finish my homework.
